In 1998, in order to “pledge its membership to the highest standards of service,” the MADA Board of Directors established an endowment fund – Education and Community Grants Program – to promote education in, and knowledge of, historical Maine arts and decorative arts.
It is a means by which the Maine antiques Dealers, collectively, can return some token of their resources to our larger Maine community, its’ citizens, and its’ art and historic institutions. Although it is not our intent to limit the type or scope of projects undertaken through this program, the limited funds available require a certain focus in order for these grants to have the greatest effect for recipients, and by extension, the Maine community, at large.
All requests for assistance will be considered and all requests will be acted upon and replied to.
1. The MADA Endowment Committee will be a standing committee of the Board of Directors and will be composed of the Chairperson, who will be appointed by the MADA President, and at least one other member of MADA.
2. In order to participate in the program an individual or organization should request a copy of the grant application from the Chairperson of the MADA Endowment Committee, whose name mailing address, and telephone/FAX number is listed in the annual Maine Antiques Dealers Directory or on line at our website.
3. Eligibility:
A. To help with the restoration of a historically significant building or item pertaining to Maine.
B. Educational projects or studies with respect to the history of Maine to include items needed to document the above.
C. Items needed to complete a study or collection for historical societies or museums.
D. Grants should not be limited to the above if they serve the need to educate or save for posterity Maine antiques and its history.
E. Matching Funds with grant whenever possible.
F. The amount of the requested grant will be determined on its’ merit.
4. Each application must be sponsored by MADA member, in good standing, of the Maine Antiques Dealers Association. The applicant must be known to that member and the sponsor should be fully informed as to the nature of the request. The sponsor must be willing to present the request before the Endowment Committee, and the Board of Directors, if necessary.
5. Upon receipt of a properly completed application, the Chairperson of the Endowment Committee will convene the committee for the purpose of review and recommendation to the Board of Directors.
6. All grant applications must be approved/disapproved by the Board of Directors of MADA at the meeting of that Board following receipt of the application by the Endowment Committee Chairperson, provided it is presented in a timely manner to allow review and recommendation by the Endowment Committee.
7. Once an application is acted upon by the MADA Board of Directors the applicant shall be notified of the Boards’ decision, in a timely manner, following the meeting at which the decision is made.
8. The decision of the Board regarding each application is final.
(From time to time these guidelines may be added to, or changed, as the Board of Directors, at the recommendation of the Endowment Committee, may see fit.)
Through the years, this program has benefited various Maine museums, historical societies, and preservation projects in their outreach and curatorial endeavors. We are pleased to announce our most recent MADA Endowment recipients:
2014: Joshua Chamberlain House/Pejebscot Historical Society
2013: Friendship Historical Society, and Maine’s First Ship, Bath, Maine
For more information about our Endowment Program, or to request a grant application form, please contact Harry Hepburn, MADA Endowment Chairperson.
MADA Grants
MADA has awarded one grant from its endowment fund so far in 2010 to:
Lincoln County Historical Society to support its education programs, particularly its outreach to schools
MADA awarded four grants 2009. The recipients were: Maine Maritime Museum to support its “The Sea Within Us” exhibit
Historic New England
for a lecture series at Castle Tucker in Wiscasset titled “Life in 19th Century America”
Orr’s Island Memorial Library for archival activities
Cushing Museum
for an historic photo restoration and cataloging project